ページ・ケネディのインスタグラム(pagekennedy) - 4月27日 08時13分

A lot of people ask me why do i try and be a rapper when I’m already a successful actor. Or why do i do videos when i been in movies longer than some of my fans been alive. For me it’s basically because, if i just sat and waited for my manager or agents to call me with an acting opportunity i would be sitting forever. That phone rarely rings. I can’t control that. What i can control is being creative which i am. So i create my own entertainment that i share with you guys. And even tho i lose followers. Or don’t get many likes anymore so what. That’s out of my control too. This post, because it has actual meaning will get 3K likes. But if i Post a pick your 3 rappers pic or some shit, that can get 50K. So once i seen that i realize, You guys aren’t here for the real shit. You’re here for the bullshit. But guess what. Even tho you will read this and keep scrolling and NOT comment. I love you anyway and I’m never giving up no matter how many people unfollow or keep scrolling. #AlbumComing #TheMegComing #SameDifferenceComing #NoOneUnder25ActuallyReadAllThis


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




