ドウェイン・ジョンソンのインスタグラム(therock) - 4月27日 02時57分

My God look at this beautiful lil’ 4 3/4’s year old human. I’m so grateful this post caught my eye. We’re all pulling for you Caroline for a successful surgery tomorrow. I don’t know you, but I never knew how much I needed to see this picture until now. You inspire and motivate me. And I’m bald too, so that automatically makes me cool like you. Stay strong. Love, DJ.
#Repost @maltz30
Hi @ドウェイン・ジョンソン ! I wanted to reach out to you on behalf of this little , fierce warrior. THIS is Caroline Lantz, she’s 4 ( she’ll tell you she is 4 and 3/4 ?) and she is battling Stage 4 Stage Neuroblastoma: a high-risk, aggressive cancer that has spread throughout almost all of her body, including her bone marrow. She needs us all on our knees praying? for her as she goes in for her surgery to remove her tumor this Friday, April 27th at 8:00 am CST. I know you are a busy man, but if you have a moment to reach out to all of your fans to ask that they pray for Caroline this Friday it would mean the world to this precious girl! #carolinestrong www.carolinestrong.com


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