コモンのインスタグラム(common) - 4月26日 23時22分

"People sometimes forget that love is at the root of our resistance. My love for my people serves as the fuel that fortifies my mission. It is our love for 12 year old Tamir Rice, who was gunned down by the police in less than two seconds that will not allow us to bury our anger. It is our love for Philando Castille, who was executed in front of his partner and his daughter, that keeps the people fighting back. It is our love for Stephon Clark, who was lynched in his grandma’s backyard that will not allow us to stop until we achieve liberation for our people. We protest because we love ourselves, and our people” @コリン・キャパニック. Congratulations to my Brother Colin Kaepernick on being honored this past week with Amnesty International's 2018 Ambassador of Conscience Award, joining past recipients Harry Belafonte, Nelson Mandela and Malala Yousafzai.


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