ナスチャのインスタグラム(kiker_chan) - 4月23日 05時29分

About my last post. It was deleted because of report of many people to delete. It’s my first time like this situation. I wanna say that all rulles of Instagram was followed, was no nipples and others, all was in flash and blure. No porn and no erotical content, i’m not that look.
So, only one message - people who don’t like naked me and make my posts block- eat your shit on your own space , fuck urself and unfollow my insta. Forever.
I can post every picture i want, put every message i want. I’ll get the same activity with another picture and social messages and YOU’ll forever follow, never create something what means being losers. Look at yourself naked in the mirror-can you post something like this? No? Sad. And i can.
If you offended by my naked editorial picture- its YOUR problem and no one’s else, just left and that’s it. Doing like you did - means you’re small children. Just chill and grow up.
Chao. @areola_mag by @shitbyalasdair


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