デブラ・メッシングのインスタグラム(therealdebramessing) - 4月21日 09時35分

Today, on this 19th anniversary of the Columbine massacre, we unveil our new initiative—@NoRA. After Columbine American politicians asserted “Never Again!” But it is painful clear that they have failed in their duty to protect our children. ••••
We are a cultural hack. We are for moving our culture to a less violent place by counteracting the influence the NRA has on the American political system. And we will win. Join us . ••• This is the letter we sent to the NRA and their Vice President Wayne Lapierre. We WILL make our country safer for our children, and for generations to come. It’s time. #NeverAgain #columbinemassacre -#RIPAngels ** @nora_4_usa **


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