ロン・パールマンのインスタグラム(perlmutations) - 4月16日 14時30分

Repost from @sinatragram using @RepostRegramApp - #OTD in 1971, @アカデミー賞 of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, recognizing #Sinatra’s lifetime of public philanthropy and private kindnesses, honored him on #Oscar night with the distinguished Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award.

Accepting the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award Sinatra said the following in his speech: "I've been thinking about why you have to get famous to get an award for helping people. If your name is John Doe, and you worked night and day doing things for your helpless neighbors, what you get for your effort is tired. So, Mr. and Mrs. Doe, and all of you who give of yourselves to those who carry too big a burden to make it on their own, I want you to reach out and take your share of this because if I have earned it, so too have you."
?: Gregory Peck Presenting Frank Sinatra the award / LA Times Archives


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