ティファニー・ヨハのインスタグラム(tiffjoh) - 4月10日 04時46分

I’m continually blown away by the generosity of Hawaiians. This morning I paddled out and buried my car key in the sand (against the advice of surf friends). When I came back out, I couldn’t figure out where I’d buried it. This generous local helped me look for it for an hour and a half, let me borrow his phone, then got a friend to call another friend to procure a metal detector, all the while waiting with me and putting off his own surf session. It gives me the warm fuzzies to look back and realize despite my numerous screw-ups, there always seems to be good people with good hearts who are ready to help. The guy that eventually found my key picked it up and said “It’s weird, I’ve always had luck with finding things.” It’s true, I think some people have luck with finding things, some people have luck with finding money. I have ALWAYS had luck with finding great people, and this island is filled with them.


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