ショーン・パトリック・フラナリーのインスタグラム(spflanery) - 4月8日 09時11分

Sat here on guard all night long after I heard a tiny clicking coming from my hotel room door. I waited. Then it came. I won’t say what, but apparently they immediately had 2nd thoughts & jammed a finger underneath the door to try and retrieve it. Not on my watch. I latched on. Hard. Then I called security as it yanked, pleaded and negotiated for that digit’s release. Fuck off. No intruder escapes unscathed from my domicile... even if it’s just rented for a night. Took pictures of that finger too. Black polish. Chipped, chewed... something. I wanted nothing to do with it... but it crossed a line. Didn’t let go until the first cuff was on. Spoke to the cop through the door doing an imitation of my old college landlord’s accent (80 year old Chinese lady)... “finga scary, don’t neva let finga scary creep unda my doa... neva, neva ‘gain, or I chop off an eat!” The apology wasn’t meant for me, but I’ll take it- “I’m so sorry ma’am... I thought it was Sh... I mean, I thought it was... um, a different room... oh god, I’m so embarrassed!” Heard some other shit mumbled through tears as they were led away in despair. Only about 2 hours of sweet ass night-night after that... but it was enough. Got a towel wedged under there for tonight. Stay vigilant out there... Sweet dreams y’all.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



