ブリー・ラーソンのインスタグラム(brielarson) - 4月7日 08時26分

Cajun, I didn’t know it was possible to feel my heart continue to break deeper and deeper as the reality sets in. You were a brilliant pilot and an even better person. Thank you for inspiring me to work harder and live fuller. When you talked about the Air Force; the adventure, the rituals, the community - I felt your passion and purpose. Your humble attitude and ideals have stayed with me and inspired a stronger approach to my work. There is no Carol without you. You helped create her and I am forever grateful. I hold the call sign you gave me with your fellow pilots and Thunderbird brothers with pride. Its going to take awhile to get over this, but I understand that this is life. I am thinking about your family and the broken hearts at Nellis. Thank you for impacting my life. Rest easy brother. Sparrow, forever ?


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