ジェイミー=リン・シグラーのインスタグラム(jamielynnsigler) - 4月6日 09時11分

All my fellow mommies that deal with MS or anything that causes them to have to make choices they didn’t necessarily want to.. this is for you. I’m having to stop breastfeeding soon so I can get back on meds. The truth is, the toll of two kids and a newborn lifestyle is not the easiest on me.. and I need some help. What sucks is that I live with a disease that makes decisions for me a lot , and with breastfeeding I took SUCH pride that I was able to do something really awesome with this body that I am constantly at war with. This little guys tummy is struggling with the formula, and I KNOW we will both be fine, but I’m emotionally having to deal with the guilt and sadness that is coming along with weaning us both off this magical time. Any advice from my fellow mommies on how this can be any easier ? Xxxxx


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