ニック・マーティンのインスタグラム(nodirectioncasa) - 4月1日 05時14分

From the days of crushing fast food (almost every single day of my life for many years) on the couch, to now.. crushing some homemade overnight oats on the couch.. ??‍♂️.. What the hell happened to me?! Haha ?. My cholesterol was through the roof. Depression was in full force. So, I had to do something positive about it. As much as I still love cheeseburgers & french fries, I was completely deteriorating my body and treating it like a trash bin every day of my life. Much love to @milkandeggscom for their awesome service and helping us maintain our healthier lifestyle at home.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




