Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 3月31日 01時29分

This gentleman @swelpone approached me during @ericprydz set at Ultra, in the middle of 20,000 people going crazy with Sacred Music, and he yelled at me: “Lovey Dovey”. If I was super happy listening to Eric’s set, listening to someone call Lovey Dovey’s name made me even happier (Which is almost impossible). I really want to thank everyone that comes to say hi to me, it means a lot because it means that you Love the kids and there’s not a better feeling for me than that. Also, I want to thank everyone that writes comments, sends DM’s or just sends their Blessings in a silent mode to us. I feel them all. I wish I could reply to every message but there’s 6.5 million of you and only one of me. But Love and Blessings wise, I send everyone everything that I am. I’m sure you can feel it. So thank you from the bottom of my Heart for being so Lovely and Magical towards us. Remember: We are one. Never forget it...
#ThinkBlue #ThankYou #SupportTheMusic


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