フランシア・ライサのインスタグラム(franciaraisa) - 3月21日 00時59分

Very vulnerable piece for me but glad I was able to do it with @selfmagazine ...... I want to also share that, at that time, I was praying more than ever asking God for a sign that this was something I was supposed to do. Signs were coming to me left and right but I was still praying for more cuz I was having a hard time acknowledging the signs and my intuition. when I was calling my social worker I felt God clearly tell me “Hey, why are you angry? You’ve been praying and I’ve been answering and yet again I’m giving you another answer and you’re still questioning. It’s ok I’m with you.” Since then, I felt that peace that I’ve been talking about. And I just wanted to share that because sometimes we can get in our own way and not realize it. Sometimes we pray for things and God will move, but it’s not the way we expected and or wanted. We have an idea of how we want things to go about, but I promise you Gods way is better. Sometimes we can hang on to things and we yell, “No God! Anything but that” but that thing, that person, that job, that relationship, may be the thing you need to subtract from your life in order for other things to be multiplied.... Anyway, Happy Tuesday


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