ジェイ・ショーンのインスタグラム(jaysean) - 3月20日 02時54分

This has been stuck in my head since I saw a video that @ウィル・スミス posted. I thought about the amount of time we share with people in this world, some of it voluntarily some of it not- with friends, work colleagues, and family, and even strangers on a night out or on a commute- we all have a direct affect on each other's energy and vibe - some will lift you and bring light into your life, others will drain you and suck the joy right out of you. Some will inspire you and genuinely wish you the best, others might secretly hope to see you fall. Some may build your dreams with you, others may come along and crush them. Some may not even care about you because they are too focused on themselves and that's ok too. As long as you KNOW who's bringing that positivity and light into your life just by being around you and who's not. We all have a DIRECT impact on each others energy, mood and happiness. Choose wisely who you let into you circle, into your heart and into your life.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




