ジョアンナ・クルーパのインスタグラム(joannakrupa) - 3月14日 08時56分

I am absolutely sick to my stomach and my heart breaks for this dog not even the family as I would never allow it !!!!!!I would leave the plane or call authorities ! Hell would break loose before I would let my dog be put into the overhead bin no matter what. I hope @united does what’s right and this flight attendant gets what is deserved to the fullest punishment. Seems airlines need to do more homework on people they hire and some ignorants just don’t deserve to have a best friend AKA a dog if they don’t know what it entails to be a responsible owner!!! This is animal abuse from all sides and both should be held liable! Maybe she would be ok putting her children in the overhead bin? Or jump of the cliff if told to? @peta @humanesociety @worldanimalnews https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/storyline/airplane-mode/amp/dog-dies-after-united-flight-attendant-puts-it-overhead-bin-n856361


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