ロバート・アーンショウのインスタグラム(robertearnshaw) - 3月12日 04時34分

It’s Mother’s Day in the UK so I have to take a moment to celebrate my wonderful mother.
She used to play football back when I was a kid in Zambia, raised 5 kids by herself while working 2 jobs so at times only sleeping a couple hours and then doing it again and again.
In life some people inspire you and teach you just by being themselves, with a big heart, big smile and having a unbreakable strength that it becomes infectious.
My mum is one of a kind. If only you could be at the table when she is sharing the extraordinary stories of all the things she has gone through from Zambia,Malawi to UK.
Thank you for being you.
Happy Mother’s Day for everyday


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



