タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 3月11日 09時27分

Someone sent me a DM and said they’re depressed, feeling hopeless and wants to give up... Cause so many great things are happening for everyone but not him...... I won’t say your name but this is for you.... This image above is my life in one post......... I’ve been at this thing for a while now and it’s so crazy how many people I’ve seen come and go over the years.......... Stay humble........ Stop comparing your life to others, stop comparing your hotness to others, stop thinking of opportunities that go to others over you......... it’s scary how many people over the years convinced themselves that they matter.... They’re long gone......... Cause it’s true....... being hot as fish grease is cool.... people love You then they don’t it’s takes a LOT of self confidence to walk in a room repeat after me........ I will always be relevant to me, I am the greatest, my self worth isn’t based on record sales, chart positions materialistic things.... I will always matter to ME I will always believe in ME...... Cause Gods has never abandoned his love and belief in me..... Amen... in the end trust me on this... the turtle wins the race.... #tag3people to encourage them -


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