スミソニアン国立動物園のインスタグラム(smithsonianzoo) - 3月8日 10時34分

?? “The arapaima are our biggest fish at Amazonia. Our largest one measures just over 6 feet in length; we estimate him to be anywhere from 250 to 275 pounds. The pacu are a rounder fish that are adapted to eat fruits and nuts, and they are around 3 feet in length and 65 pounds. Per our veterinarian and nutritionist staff, the pacu have been deemed slightly on the pudgy side, so we have put them on a diet. The arapaima are fed the higher fat omnivore gel, which we can cut into larger pieces and spot feed to them. The pacu are getting the vegetable herbivore gel, which has a lower fat content. The arapaima sit and lurk at the water’s surface waiting for prey items, so we can see individuals and toss them the larger pieces of omnivore gel to ensure that at least 2 or 3 slices are going to each fish. The arapaimas also get about 730 grams of meat; we alternate feeding them herring, live earthworms, smelt, squid and shrimp. All of our fish is delivered frozen, so we thaw them out overnight and prepare them in the morning. The food on the menu depends on what items we can source sustainably at a given time.”—Hilary Colton, animal keeper

Get a behind-the-scenes look at how Amazonia keepers provide enriching environments and experiences for the variety of animals in their care. STORY: http://s.si.edu/2tluQeg (Link in our profile.)


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