ティファニー・ヨハのインスタグラム(tiffjoh) - 3月4日 13時14分

So my mom got sinus surgery a week or so ago. At some point the subject of the Winter Olympics came up, and as my mom shared with her surgeon her newfound passion for all things curling, he said: “I get it with a Shaun White or a Chloe Kim, but I don’t understand the motivation behind raising a potential Olympian. Like, if I was the parent of an athlete, I don’t think I could bring myself to drive them to all those practices knowing that, statistically speaking, it’s not a worthy investment of time and energy.”
My mom replied: “You know, when you have a kid that falls head over heels in love with something, I don’t think you ever ask yourself if it’s a “worthy investment.” I think you’re just so thankful that they’ve found something they’re passionate about, you’re more than happy to drop everything and drive them to a golf tournament in Tijuana with only 4 girls competing, because it’s your kid’s only legitimate shot at winning a trophy.” (#TrueStory)
#TreatJohself originated long before a few donut-fueled surf trips. It started with a little Asian lady who taught me to find what made me happy and to chase it wholeheartedly.
Oh, and this? This is a picture of Momma Joh dancing to “Gangnam Style” at my brother’s wedding. #EySexyLady

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