ドナルド・トランプのインスタグラム(realdonaldtrump) - 3月1日 04時40分

In the Spring of 1934, Billy Graham’s father allowed a group of Charlotte businessmen to use a portion of the family’s dairy farm to gather for a day of prayer.
On that day, the men prayed for the City. They prayed that “OUT OF CHARLOTTE, the Lord would raise up someone to preach the gospel to the Ends of the Earth.” We are here today more than 80 years later, because that prayer was ANSWERED. Billy Graham was fifteen years old at the time. Just a few months later, he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
That choice didn’t just change Billy’s life—it changed our lives, it changed our country, and it changed the world. The North Carolina farm boy walked out of those fields, and into history.
Starting at a small Bible School in Florida, he soon led a nationwide revival. From a large tent in Los Angeles, to one hundred thousand people in a single day at Yankee Stadium, to more than two million people at Madison Square Garden over sixteen weeks in 1957, Americans came in droves to hear the young preacher. One of those Americans was Fred Trump, my father.


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