ティモシー・コレトのインスタグラム(timkoleto) - 2月28日 02時04分

Always nice to be home. Always hard to go

I refuse to let life harden me. I refuse to close myself off, to knot my ribcage back together, to never allow for my heart to shatter and burst and overflow with feeling. I refuse to doubt, to believe that the world has nothing left to offer me, let my soul give up before my bones do. I refuse to regret the way I can only ever care from the deepest parts of who I am, I refuse to mourn the pieces of myself I gave to others when I dug into the dirt of them and loved them where it ached. I refuse to desensitize myself. I want life to weather me, I want to experience it as honestly, and as bravely as I possibly can. I want to honor the way everything inside of me reaches for others, for connection, for hope, for the belief in something so much bigger than whatever it is that has wounded or damaged me in the past. I want to embrace the way I trust, because at the end of the day I am here to feel. I am here to feel - @rainbowsalt


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