Joel Sartoreのインスタグラム(joelsartore) - 2月25日 04時01分

Known as one of the oddest looking cats, the jaguarundi is native to parts of Central and South America, though a handful have been spotted in Texas, Florida and Alabama. Their slender, markless bodies and small, rounded ears give these cats an almost weasel-like appearance, but when seen in action they are unquestionably feline. Jaguarundis are very talented hunters, preying upon anything from small mammals to birds and reptiles. They’re quite agile climbers and have been seen leaping two meters off the ground to catch birds right out of the air!
This jaguarundi named Yoda was just 10 months old during his photoshoot at Bear Creek Feline Center. The center's mission is one of conservation breeding of selected species, feline rescue/rehoming and public education designed to illuminate the plight of threatened and endangered felines.


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