ジェナ・マローンのインスタグラム(jenamalone) - 2月21日 12時22分

There is no tomorrow in this rigged game of man vs money. We all know the outcome. This is not an unknown plague, spreading debris and chaos. This is simple math. We are losing at every equation. We need change to even out our odds of complete destruction. There is no honorable silence anymore. There is no comfort in tears. There is no release in words. Only action. Only pen on paper changing the laws as we know it . Only an earth shattering uprising of humanity. Only then can we return to our natural cycle of human exaltation/deterioration. There is no perfect in this equation either. Just simply a longer more humane outcome. I want a good death. I don’t want corruption as my bed fellow any longer. I don’t want my children to grow up in this deep shadow. I don’t just want change. I want the whole of the world back. Let’s start with guns. And let it be the straw that emboldens the camel to finally walk free.


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