She keeps me up night. This haunted girl, forever changed by what happened to her. To the 17 dead in #Florida • I say the following as a gun owner. As a girl who got her 1st .22 rifle for her 12th bday. Who was on the range firing an AR-15 just 2wks ago. So please, if you’re a 2A supporter who naively assumes that that I’m anti-gun bc “Hollywood,” don’t. • I’m a heartbroken citizen. It’s taken me days to write this. To speak without screaming. Or weeping. Enough is ENOUGH. My right to a hobby is NOT more valuable than a child’s right to get an education without being slaughtered. Hobbies are not worth more than their lives. “Hunting!” If you need an AR-15 to hit a deer or an elk, you’re a shit hunter. “2A!” Gun laws do NOT equate to taking all guns. They don’t. ALSO 2A wasn’t written about assault weapons. Or glocks. It was written about muskets. It was written by flawed people who thought we should be able to own other human beings. So sit. Down. Take a deep breath. When the logic hits you, admit that using such an old idea to justify this unforeseen reality is a failure. • We’ve averaged a school shooting every 60hrs in 2018. NOT okay! “Mental illness” doesn’t kill 10s of 1000s in countries w/ sensible gun legislation. Know why? Because it’s NOT mental illness that kills people. It’s access to assault weapons that have no business being in civilian hands. We are failing our kids bc the NRA has shrouded its profit-hunting in a political cloak. This isn’t political. This is common sense. One child in America was killed by lawn darts. ONE. They were banned forever. One man tried to blow up his shoe on a plane & now forever we all have to take off our shoes at the airport. We know how to protect people. But profit seeking greed machines want to make money no matter what. I’m with #EmmaGonzalez. I call BS. We can pass gun laws & you can keep your hobbies. Concessions will have to be made. I’m willing to make them. If you watched the video of her classmates screaming during their executions & you’re not? I won’t even bother praying for you. But I will be marching. Corporate greed does NOT get to kill our kids. These kids said ”we are the last time.” I’m with them.

sophiabushさん(@sophiabush)が投稿した動画 -

ソフィア・ブッシュのインスタグラム(sophiabush) - 2月20日 14時26分

She keeps me up night. This haunted girl, forever changed by what happened to her. To the 17 dead in #Florida

I say the following as a gun owner. As a girl who got her 1st .22 rifle for her 12th bday. Who was on the range firing an AR-15 just 2wks ago. So please, if you’re a 2A supporter who naively assumes that that I’m anti-gun bc “Hollywood,” don’t.

I’m a heartbroken citizen. It’s taken me days to write this. To speak without screaming. Or weeping. Enough is ENOUGH. My right to a hobby is NOT more valuable than a child’s right to get an education without being slaughtered. Hobbies are not worth more than their lives. “Hunting!” If you need an AR-15 to hit a deer or an elk, you’re a shit hunter. “2A!” Gun laws do NOT equate to taking all guns. They don’t. ALSO 2A wasn’t written about assault weapons. Or glocks. It was written about muskets. It was written by flawed people who thought we should be able to own other human beings. So sit. Down. Take a deep breath. When the logic hits you, admit that using such an old idea to justify this unforeseen reality is a failure.

We’ve averaged a school shooting every 60hrs in 2018. NOT okay! “Mental illness” doesn’t kill 10s of 1000s in countries w/ sensible gun legislation. Know why? Because it’s NOT mental illness that kills people. It’s access to assault weapons that have no business being in civilian hands. We are failing our kids bc the NRA has shrouded its profit-hunting in a political cloak. This isn’t political. This is common sense. One child in America was killed by lawn darts. ONE. They were banned forever. One man tried to blow up his shoe on a plane & now forever we all have to take off our shoes at the airport. We know how to protect people. But profit seeking greed machines want to make money no matter what. I’m with #EmmaGonzalez. I call BS. We can pass gun laws & you can keep your hobbies. Concessions will have to be made. I’m willing to make them. If you watched the video of her classmates screaming during their executions & you’re not? I won’t even bother praying for you. But I will be marching. Corporate greed does NOT get to kill our kids. These kids said ”we are the last time.” I’m with them.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




