イーライ・リエブのインスタグラム(elilieb) - 2月19日 02時40分

I am completely floored by these Parkland high school students. For the first time in a long time, they have made me feel hope again for our world. To see how strong and eloquent they are after just surviving a horrific school shooting should make everyone humble. It doesn’t matter that they are kids, they are more heroic, strong and unafraid than any adult that is in power in this world. They are not afraid to call BS. THEY ARE NOT AFRAID. If any of them should ever read this, just know that you are going to go down in history. This moment you are taking a hold of is going to be so significant in our nations history. I am humbled by you, I am in awe of you, and you are a complete inspiration.
#Parkland #EmmaGonzalez #CameronKasky


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