Nicole Eevee Davisのインスタグラム(eeveedavis) - 2月16日 13時33分

I haven't posted in weeks so here's a random filler~ I was doing laundry today and as I was throwing my clean clothes across the room from my folding pile to the dresser (I'm a filthy savage and don't fold my under garments so they just go in the drawer) my underwear got caught on Majora's Mask, coincidentally the undies were also MM and I laughed to hard to not take a photo of it ? so what have you guys been up to? Hating the new IG algorithm as much as I do?? ? my monthly average used to be 10-13k as of New Years when I last looked and I have since then gained 3k in almost 2 months.. sigh. Not that numbers are important and 3k is still good, I just know my page is suffering because of an update and that's a little lame, but hey let's focus on the important, non-materialistic things in life like my cool Zelda themed butt sleeves hanging from the wall shall we?


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