ジェラルド・ウェイのインスタグラム(gerardway) - 2月16日 03時16分

Obviously I don’t use twitter anymore, but a friend sent me a screenshot of this Stephen King tweet. This sums up exactly how I feel. We’re all caught in a loop and it appears that neither side is going to give in. After Newtown, and the inaction I saw, I knew nothing was going to change. Nothing was going to pull those NRA dollars out of the pockets of those that help make the laws. It was a sad feeling, and I started to get numb to it all, just like a lot of other people that felt helpless. Getting numb is scary, because you just start to accept the horror as a way of life. And I take full ownership over the fact that I have used the image of a gun in various things over the years. That is because it is a powerful image, continues to be, and a part of the fiction we were creating with the music. I don’t think pictures of guns are the problem, I think the ease with which people can buy assault rifles is the problem.
You may disagree with me. That is fine. This isn’t me looking to get in an argument with you. That stuff is just noise and no one is budging— so the only thing I feel we have left is to vote. And that is what I’ll do. If you feel like me, and you want stricter gun laws, make sure you vote for people that want the same thing you do. Lot’s of love to everyone, especially those in Florida.


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