ナイジェル・バーカーのインスタグラム(nigelbarker) - 2月15日 23時36分

It’s with profound sadness that I share with you the loss of my great friend and mentor Art Van Elslander, chairman and founder of @artvanfurniture I met Art many years ago in Michigan while on holiday with my family, we became friends over wonderful meals, lots of laughs and great conversations. Art had a fascination with fashion and all things creative and I have always loved furniture and interior design so you can imagine the relationship. It’s important to remember the extraordinary philanthropist Art was too, creating the million dollar challenge, raising millions for charitable organizations big and small. Whenever I mention Art Van Furniture, the Home Empire he built from the ground up in Detroit, it doesn’t matter where I am in the world but people immediately smile and talk about the man, the legend. You will not be forgotten, Rest In Peace my friend


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