リル・デュヴァルのインスタグラム(lilduval) - 2月9日 10時13分

This guy don’t get enough credit in the comedian Game. I talk a lot of shit but honestly he’s The Godfather of comedy in the south. Every comedian from the south learned from him. Most of the jokes you hear circulating online now really come from him. He was the one i studied the most when i started. (Nobody could out roast Bruce Bruce NOBODY) And he even embraced me and let me hang and go chill wit him at his car shop and it was him that made me realize u can be rich as fuck and never be in a big film cuz this nigga been rich since the 90’s. I just wanted to show some love cuz i preciate all the love he showed me when i started cuz he didn’t have to @mybrucebruce (southern comedians get slept on the most but we have the most influence)


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