エブロ・ダーデンのインスタグラム(oldmanebro) - 2月8日 07時14分

#BlackFact - Carlos A. Cook was Dominican & was Black. For those of you not able to process this concept due to your social programming. Read UP!
Many Caribbean folks, South American & Africans came to America in the last 70yrs & were discouraged from identifying as Black, so they could get jobs, not be killed & of course be proud of where they moved from. That is their culture. So they raised their children to identify as something other than Black. Not knowing that BLACK in itself as a culture are AFRICAN descendants that are mixed just like them, but speaking a different language. Some have become “woke” others are still “dreaming”, but quickly that “dream” is becoming the nightmare Black folks been warning you about for generations. BLACK PEOPLE EMBRACE YOUR BROTHER/SISTER do NOT DENY THEM. You are fracturing our ability to advance when you deny your family because he she has a different geography or language. If you see yourself, KNOW YOURSELF! ✊?✊?✊?


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