A.J.のインスタグラム(aj_mclean) - 2月1日 20時54分

As I sit here in bed at almost 4:00 am I felt compelled to post this one of two videos and messages. I tried to do this five minutes ago and got kicked offline so on the chance the original went through I’ll try and keep this short and to the point! What I’m about to share with the world and all the amazing people that follow me that I may know personally or have never met in my life don’t know this about me not even my wife I don’t think. Long story short everyday and every night I’m away from home I look at old and recent pictures of my kids! This first video of two is of my first born Ava. She will forever be my mini me my partner in crime my first love , but a love like no other that nobody can and will ever comprehend unless your a dad and you have girls. I love you baby and miss you terribly but will see you soon. I could go on and on but I have one more video to post. I’m finally going to bed but I thank God and my amazing wife for forever blessing me with the two most important people in my life. I’ll be shorter with the next and last video tonight but again I hope I’ve inspired you all whether parents or not to always love and pay attention to everything cause life moves to fast sometimes that we miss the best of it.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




