キャサリン・ハイグルのインスタグラム(katherineheigl) - 1月29日 09時54分

A rare moment when Gracie feels calm enough to sit in my lap and let me love her. If you saw my #savinggrace video on the blog, then you know Gracie’s had it rough the last four months. If you haven’t seen it, well it’s a complicated story. The basics are, my sweet dog Gracie, who I rescued three years ago, had brain surgery late September to remove a giant tumor and then radiation early December to shrink the rest. She’s much better than she was in November and early December but so much of who she was has been hidden away beneath a haze of brain damage and tumor growth. The most important thing to me is that she’s no longer in any pain. She’ll wag her tail if you talk to her sweet and she’s even a little playful first thing in the morning. She still paces and paces unless she’s in her playpen where she feels comfortable and safe enough to lie down and she doesn’t usually let us hold her which is why this moment makes my heart sing. It’s a confusing thing to miss a being when they’re right there in front of you but I miss my Grace...maybe this moment will be the first of many more to come. I’ll keep hoping and praying and making sure she’s still happy to be alive in the meantime.

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