クリッセル・リムのインスタグラム(chrisellelim) - 1月29日 03時32分

By age 3 Chloe will smile for sweets ?, Finally sleeps in her big girl bed, loves having dance offs with everyone in the family, loves eating sausage and yogurt together, finally learned to put the caps back on her play dough , is obsesssed with cheese pizza, yells and cries for mignon in the middle of the night if he’s not sleeping in her room with her, is deathly scared of the doctors, loves her rainbow pants, does not allow me to pick out her outfits anymore ?, favors daddy over mommy any day, eats a banana at Trader Joe’s everytime we go grocery shopping, loves her Mickey Mouse pancakes for breakfast, loves to hang out with “older” girls, is obsessed with going on airplanes, wants to move to Hawaii, loves eating pho noddles with daddy, speaks mandarin fluently with her grandparents, has so much love and compassion for reptiles and animals just like daddy, her favorite color seems to change everyday but for the most part is still yellow, lovvvvvves being in water, always telling mommy and daddy how much she loves us, and always giving us random hugs and kisses everyday! I want to remember this age forever because it’s by far our favorite! This is Chloe at age 3! Happy Birthday to our princess we love you and we are so proud of you! ?? #chrisllen #chloevictoriachen


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