ケリー・スレーターのインスタグラム(kellyslater) - 1月22日 04時47分

Good luck to all the groms at @shanedorian’s @keiki_classic today. It’s a rare year that I miss this event in its 23 year history and I just want to throw a shout out to Shane for supporting education and the young surfers and skaters all throughout Hawaii in their quest to be the best versions of themselves they can be! This event is the culmination of decades of travel all over the globe being turned into a family event that Shane and his friends and sponsors have curated year after year. It’s been awesome to watch the talent that has grown up surfing this event and to see them now passing the torch on what they learned growing up at Banyan’s surfing the #KeikiClassic. Have fun. (Unfortunately) the surf looks like Florida in Kona today and that’s making me miss being there even more somehow. Hopefully it picks up throughout the day! And thank you to all the support and volunteer work from the local community to make this a reality. There’s no way this would be near the success it has been without the dozens of friends, families and businesses that put their support behind the effort. Hopefully it lives on forever like Uncle Buff’s event. ✌???‍♂️


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