キム・リーのインスタグラム(kimlee) - 1月18日 17時52分

Believe in yourself... Sometimes I just sit and reflect on life... Rewind back ... I was just a girl wanting just to model and be in magazines and looking in magazines saying to myself this could be me!! But after that I was like naw I don’t wanna be just a pretty face or whatever ... wanted to show more of what I’m capable of doing. There was a period in my life where I was like what am I going to do? What if this doesn’t work? If u ask me that’s a scary feeling not knowing or sure of what u want in life . I used to to get rejected and turned down like crazy. But the more I got turned down the more it made want it even more. I didn’t give up. I guess it shows I love a challenge and I’m persistent. I used failure and rejection as motivation. The most powerful thing I have within myself is drive... I never wanna lose that excitement, that fire... momentum. Most importantly you gotta BELIEVE! Believe in yourself even when no one does! For those out there who can relate to this... there’s a lot of pressure in life and I know it’s tiring but don’t give up. We’re growing everyday. Keep Progressing. Keep people around that inspire you and and that has the right mindset ✨???


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



