The Dogistのインスタグラム(thedogist) - 1月13日 04時21分

Lola, Bergamasco Shepherd (10 y/o), Central Park, New York, NY • “People gasp when they see her. They call her ‘Dog Marley’. If we don’t get stopped 50 times a day in the park it’s a slow day. She’s hypoallergenic, so she doesn’t need to be bathed often, but it takes her two days to dry when we do bath her. She hates the bath. You’d think we were killing her when she gets a bath – the howling and whining. Their coats start matting between 9-15 months, and they become flocks – basically flat dreadlocks – and you have to tear them into the size you want. She’s loving this weather. The colder the better.” (Puppy photo provided by owner)


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