キャメロン・ラッセルのインスタグラム(cameronrussell) - 1月13日 02時17分

This morning @ediebcampbell sent me a link, an article by Daniela Soleri, the daughter of @arcosantiarizona architect Paolo Soleri. In the piece Daniela grapples with coming forward about her father's sexual molestation of her as a teenager. Edie and I co-star in Miu Miu's SS18 campaign shot at Arcosanti. So far as I know, nobody on the shoot knew about Soleri's past (the article just came out in November), and, to echo Daniela's sentiment, Arcosanti is still an important project to visit and study, and a living breathing experiment that continues because of the work of many other people. Miu Miu cast us because, as their press release states, "[We] quite often use [our] social platforms to promote progressive attitudes," and because of our work this fall challenging "abuse in the fashion industry." So I felt it was important to continue that work, and share some Daniela's powerful words as she articulately unpacks what it means to reconcile the work of powerful men, and their often violent, often covered up, behavior. To quote Daniela, all those with a #metoo story "need to know that strengthening society’s capacity for fair, thoughtful treatment of everyone is also a valuable contribution, and not a threat." A link to her full essay is in my bio.


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