ジェサ・ヒントンのインスタグラム(jessahinton) - 1月11日 03時24分

If you had to give up cardio or weights for one year, which would it be?
I'm pretty sure you pick cardio like me 😂 Because I fuck*n hate cardio. I walk passed that treadmill in the gym and say "Not today Satan". But the truth is I need a little cardio to stay looking and feeling the way I want. I hate cardio (yes I know, my momma says hate is a strong word) BUT I always feel better after I walk, run, or hit the elliptical. Before and during cardio is a wholeeee other story 😂 get outside once in a while and go on a hike with a friend. Dust off your old rollerblades (yea I don't own them either) or take your French bulldog on an extra long walk. Whatever you do, make sure you get cardio in a few times a week. You'll feel better after, I promise. Unless you go a little too hard in the paint and feel like death after a good cardio session. Buttttt, you know you'll feel better in a few hours.
Rocking my @1stphorm leggings and my @1stphorm Adrenal Restore to help with Adrenal fatigue from the caffeine, sugar and sh*t we sometimes put in our bodies. There's no way to sugar coat it. See what I did there? 😜 Now get up, and let's go hiking !!!! 💪🏼❤️


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