マヌー・ベネットのインスタグラム(manubennett) - 1月9日 21時25分

In 1769 Captain James Cook circumnavigated New Zealand & on his travels encountered a headland off Maketu named Okurei by the local Maori but which he entered in his journal as Town Point because the bustling village reminded him of his “home town”, likely to be the headland of Whitby where he first studied sailing. Last year in London I met Emily Sue Coates, a direct descendant of the Cook family who took me to Great Ayton in the north of England to show me where James Cook grew up, then to the small fishing village of Staithes where 14 year old James took his first job as a grocer’s apprentice then to Whitby where Cook started the journey to becoming one of history’s greatest navigators. Myself being a direct descendant of Tamatekapua who captained the Te Arawa fleet from Hawaiiki to Aotearoa 700 years ago, I was fascinated learning about James Cook. I offered to return the favour & yesterday had the privilege of leading Cook’s descendant up onto Okurei point to show her where her great uncle sailed past aboard the HMS Endeavour. As Emily walked toward the peninsular a white heron glided in & landed in the field in front of her. This has special significance, an omen invoked by a Maori proverb “He kotuku rerenga tahi” meaning “A rare visitor”. It was so powerful watching & feeling the threads of history converge.


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