のインスタグラム(cheeserland) - 1月5日 15時33分

I have had a confession to make for a long time. It’s sort of a taboo and not many people would openly talk about this. Can I have some honest words from you mommies? For those who have two children or more, do you miss/favor one child more than the other?

I do. Whenever I am away I end up missing Sakura a lot more. I miss her puffy cheeks and her smell. Maybe I feel that she needs me more because she still feels like a baby (and also I am still nursing her so perhaps that brings her closer to me). And that she is more “angelic” compared to a rebellious 3-year-old that drives me up the wall the whole time. I do feel that the table may turn around once she starts having full blown terrible two craziness and Junya matures into a more understanding boy lol. But right now I am really swamped with guilt about this. ?

Please tell me some of you have the same struggle ?

#mamalife #mommywoes


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