So I just read my New Year’s Day post from last year & thought to myself “wow, to think I thought THAT was a hard year!” ? Haha, glad I can find humor in certain situations. —— 2017, I don’t even know where to begin with you. If you told me on January 1, 2017 that half the things that happened to me this past year were going to happen I wouldn’t have believed you. Well not all at the same time in one year at least! When it rains it definitely pours but from that comes growth. You don’t really notice in the exact moment I guess but now sitting here writing this I see the growth I have encountered. I know that is what God intended for me to get from this year. Every single thing I endured is Him preparing me for the greater things that will happen in my future. I believe we go through hardships to help lead others out of similar situations. I have a very strong sense of myself & who I am & what I stand for. I know this year I have become stronger, now it’s time to see what for. ———— My New Years resolutions for last year were to find ‘balance’ & ‘purpose’. I will say this past year I finally found balance. As a workaholic who judges herself mostly on professional success, it was important for me to find a way to get my life back. And also to be OK with that. That I have done! As for purpose, wrestling will always be a large passion of mine. But my health is obviously something that takes precedence to that. I think purpose is something we all continuously look for year to year. It’s ever changing & evolving in my experience. So I look forward to exploring that more this year. ——— I’m so uncomfortable with the unknown. It drives me insane. Gives me anxiety. I worry but I must remind myself that worrying is a way of this earth & not the next. Giving my worries to Him is what I must do because He knew my path long ago! Releasing control & trusting the process is a part of the journey. So here is to the unknown! May this year be our best year ever. Happy New Year...though I’m 3 days late! ? @flashbachphotos

daniellemoinetさん(@daniellemoinet)が投稿した動画 -

サマー・レイのインスタグラム(daniellemoinet) - 1月3日 20時47分

So I just read my New Year’s Day post from last year & thought to myself “wow, to think I thought THAT was a hard year!” ? Haha, glad I can find humor in certain situations.
2017, I don’t even know where to begin with you. If you told me on January 1, 2017 that half the things that happened to me this past year were going to happen I wouldn’t have believed you. Well not all at the same time in one year at least! When it rains it definitely pours but from that comes growth. You don’t really notice in the exact moment I guess but now sitting here writing this I see the growth I have encountered. I know that is what God intended for me to get from this year. Every single thing I endured is Him preparing me for the greater things that will happen in my future. I believe we go through hardships to help lead others out of similar situations. I have a very strong sense of myself & who I am & what I stand for. I know this year I have become stronger, now it’s time to see what for. ————
My New Years resolutions for last year were to find ‘balance’ & ‘purpose’. I will say this past year I finally found balance. As a workaholic who judges herself mostly on professional success, it was important for me to find a way to get my life back. And also to be OK with that. That I have done! As for purpose, wrestling will always be a large passion of mine. But my health is obviously something that takes precedence to that. I think purpose is something we all continuously look for year to year. It’s ever changing & evolving in my experience. So I look forward to exploring that more this year.
I’m so uncomfortable with the unknown. It drives me insane. Gives me anxiety. I worry but I must remind myself that worrying is a way of this earth & not the next. Giving my worries to Him is what I must do because He knew my path long ago! Releasing control & trusting the process is a part of the journey. So here is to the unknown! May this year be our best year ever. Happy New Year...though I’m 3 days late! ? @flashbachphotos


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