Amanda Cernyのインスタグラム(amandacerny) - 1月3日 01時42分

We need to stop downplaying the uprising in Iran. There are legitimate and important issues that the protestors in Iran are raising about their economy and religion being imposed from on high. Iranian authorities need to peacefully work to resolve these issues and not arrest protestors for speaking out . I beg my Iranian fans to continue to fight for your freedom and basic human rights but to refrain from violence in the process. All of my love and respect for the men and women who are coming together to free Iran. I really want to shine some light on the woman who are breaking the rules and taking a stand for their freedom of choice !! YOU INSPIRE ME AS A WOMAN AND AS A HUMAN BEING! Thank you, you strong HARDWORKING and beautiful Muslim women and men around the world❤️ keep your fists high ????❤️ #TeamCerny #Iran #syria #iraq #turkey #worldwide


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