アンジー・ペインのインスタグラム(angelajpayne) - 1月1日 02時08分

Small drop, big scene. This isn’t my favorite photo of the year, but it is the most personally significant. I’ve almost posted this at least 20 times, but always change my mind. When I look at it I see the things I did wrong — I didn’t have the right gear, I didn’t use my tripod, I had to crop it significantly, I can’t print it very large, the square version isn’t as graceful as the longer original crop, etc. etc. etc. But this is also the photo that gave me something I needed most in my photography this year — confidence. At the Summit workshop I attended, this is the first good photo that I took when I finally started shooting what I loved on day 3. It was well-received, and that gave me the positive reinforcement I needed to keep on trying. If I want to get all philosophical about it, this photo represents my year perfectly. I bumbled my way through a new world, making mistakes constantly and lacking confidence and skills often, but in the end I still came away with something beautiful. I can improve on this photo and myself significantly, and that’s why I’ll keep on keeping on in 2018. Here’s to a new year full of dewdrops and snowflakes and all the good things. •

Canon photo


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