モービーのインスタグラム(moby) - 1月1日 01時17分

Ok, 2017 thanks to #trump and the #republicans has largely been horrifying and apocalyptic. But here are four things that actually got better in 2017:
1-late night tv. @stephencolbert @jimmykimmellive @teamcoco @iamjohnoliver @fullfrontalsamb @thedailyshow and even Vichy @fallontonight all have been smart, funny, and courageous.
2-protest art and culture like @plasticjesus And @Shepard Fairey .
3-REAL NEWS, like @washingtonpost @ニューヨーク・タイムズ @latimes @bbc .
4-female leadership and protest. Black women. White women. Latino women. Asian women. Female solidarity has been incredible and inspiring, and without a doubt the future is female.
So we say a fond "fuck You" to to 2017, and usher in 2018, when everything changes. #impeachtrump


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