ダニエル・ポランコのインスタグラム(dannip18) - 12月31日 17時51分

Our last vacation together was in Playa Del Carmen for season 9 of @micasaholiday, a week before his passing. This was a last minute class we subbed....i should say i assisted him because he definitely took control. I might’ve been slightly annoyed but still wouldn’t take back any moment of this class, including him doing a step i couldn’t stand over n over again haha. Who knew this would be my first and last class with my homie? It’s crazy to me.
I’ve gone to @micasaholiday Mexico 3 years in a row because of him and my love for House Music. My thing of traveling, going to dream destinations and following my favorite DJ’s is all because of him. He enhanced the party girl i already was. From our adventures and all our party moments, I have people who truly look out for me and i know it’s cuz of you Voodoo.
Everyday is an adjustment for me. 2018 without my Voodoo is going to be tough but i know he’ll be with me every step of the way. Love you so much

#MrVoodooRay #VoodooRay #RIPVoodooRay #WhereTheEliteMeet #PlayaDelCarmen #MiCasaHoliday #MiCasaHoliday2017 #MyBrother #MyHomie #MiCasaSeason9 #HouseDance #HouseMusic #LoveMyBrother #DominicanBrother #WhereTheEliteMeet #DaniellePolanco #SomeoneWhoTrulyLovedMe


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