イングリッド・ニールセンのインスタグラム(ingridnilsen) - 12月31日 06時38分

Today I learned how to cross-country ski and let me tell you, it was quite the experience for someone who has NEVER been on skis before! I was so nervous going into it, but after some technique lessons (and several falls! ?), I ended up having the best time. It can be scary to try new things, especially physical activities when you're not athletically inclined. In 2017, I made it my goal to challenge my body with new workouts and adventures. As the year wraps up, it feels incredible to reflect on the MANY humbling moments (falling, hurting myself, having no idea what to do, etc.) which have ultimately led to a deeper connection with my body and mind. This year has taught me to be open and willing to learn on a whole new level. But most of all, when you fall - get back up, recenter, and keep going. ❤️


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




