Angela Simmonsのインスタグラム(angelasimmons) - 12月30日 12時58分

2017 ... You were a beast . I can truly say that this year has made me stronger . Well I recognized my strength to walk away from what isn't healthy for me. I faced my biggest fears this year. And from that I am open to my new life and evolving . I truly have seen and been through some stuff that I know tons of women go through. And I speak up to let you know there's hope. All of those who are single mothers that are hurting that want to give up .. Don't ! Also don't stay somewhere that you aren't valued . And don't allow anyone to treat you less than what you are. It's not easy to face my truth in front of this cold world . But I face it with pride because I got through this and will get through it all! Protect yourself !!! Take the steps you need to make sure you are really happy!! Really happy inside. Not just a smile . Not just waking up to another day. But loving the day you are waking up in. I don't speak to down talk anyone . But I speak to free myself from my past. I'm ready to turn the page . And ready to uplift anyone who needs uplifting along the way! 2018 ... I can't wait to meet you ❤️


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