Nylon Magazineのインスタグラム(nylonmag) - 12月22日 00時46分

There are only two types of people in the world: tape one Titanic watchers and tape two Titanic watchers. ? Sure, there are those who have the stamina to sit through all 200 minutes of James Cameron’s 1997 classic, but, like, who are you and where do you find the time? In case you're confused, let us recap right quick: Way back in ’97 (20 years ago this month, yay!), when DVDs weren’t a thing and Netflix wasn’t even a word, we had VHS tapes. Because Titanic was so long, it couldn’t fit on one singular tape and was split in two—everything before the iceberg, and then everything after the iceberg. It’s an easy split, and sensible, but it’s surprisingly telling, too. Because there’s a certain kind of person who skips straight to tape two, and cuts right to the violence of the sinking. On the flip side, there are those people who only watch the first tape, avoiding the peril, trauma, and d-r-a-m-a of the second. Which one are you?? Comment below and click the link in our bio for more on what it means to be a tape one or tape two person. // words by @dont_bhayden


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