国際宇宙ステーションのインスタグラム(iss) - 12月20日 02時09分

Sequencing the Unknown

Being able to identify microbes in real time aboard the International Space Station, without having to send them back to Earth for identification first, would be revolutionary for the world of microbiology and space exploration, and the Genes in Space-3 team turned that possibility into a reality this year when it completed the first-ever sample-to-sequence process entirely aboard the space station. This advance could aid in the ability to diagnose and treat astronaut ailments in real time, as well as assisting in the identification of DNA-based life on other planets. It could also benefit other experiments aboard the orbiting laboratory. Dr. Peggy Whitson, an astronaut and biochemist, performed the experiment during her most recent mission. Drs. Sarah Wallace, Sarah Stahl, Aaron Burton and Kristen John made up the ground team. With Hurricane Harvey raging outside her house, Wallace was patched through to the space station on her cell phone to talk Whitson through the final steps of the experiment. After the samples returned with Whitson aboard the Soyuz spacecraft, the team confirmed their identifications on Earth matched those in orbit, and will publish their results later this week.
#science #space #nasa #astronaut #DNA #spacestation #ISS


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