サム・ハントのインスタグラム(samhuntmusic) - 12月16日 06時13分

While I was in Nashville trying to get things going with music, Hannah was providing medical care to Hondurans during the 2009 coup. She was working in Syrian refugee camps and delivering Kurd babies in northern Iraq during the 2014 elections. She spent time in Israel where she helped with a feeding program and worked with Holocaust survivors.
This photo was taken by @igotnostrings in the Marshall Islands- where she was a part of a team providing basic health care to people on the island of Lib.
Her heart for humanity is one of the things I admire most about her but she’s put her ambitions on hold to be with me for the past year and a half. This winter, thanks to the people who’ve supported me and my music, I’m able to go with her and be a part of her dreams as they’ve become mine. If you’ve ever bought a record or come to a show, God bless you for giving us this opportunity?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




